I really like the waterfront, no matter where it is. It could be in a small coastal village or a large thriving metropolis on a river – on a lake – on the ocean. Must be all those years I spent in the Navy. So, this small town of

Exploring the Visual Experience
I really like the waterfront, no matter where it is. It could be in a small coastal village or a large thriving metropolis on a river – on a lake – on the ocean. Must be all those years I spent in the Navy. So, this small town of
Very nice boat! I do look forward to seeing the info you post from your drawing class at the Smithsonian! Thanks!
Very good. I like it. You seem to have grasped the shadowing just right. Was wondering about fast drawing techniques book, whether to get it or not.
BTW, keep a look out for Kate Johnson's on-line drawing and sketching classes. I just finished one and she's great. Her next one won't be for a while as she's starting a w/c Mar 27.
I love it, can you share some of the techniques? Welcome back, we have missed you
Wonderful job Zeke! I love your ink work,all the details are so great,
Very nice drawing. BTW -- we're almost neighbors. I'm in Loudoun Co. too.
reat looking boat, love your shading. How long did it take? Penny in South Australia
Hi Zeke
Loved your waterfrnt sketch. I had the opportunity to take a fast-sketching class from David Rankin last year (he lives nearby me in suburban Cleveland, Ohio) and it was very useful. He's a good teacher and a wonderful watercolorist.
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